Amendment to the Grants Policy
Revision as of 18:58, 13 January 2015 by James Hare (talk | contribs) (Treasurer review. Before, the grant committee chair was the treasurer by definition, but under this new régime that won't necessarily be the case.)
Status: Under Review
The Grants Policy is amended by:
- (a) Striking Article II, Paragraph 1(d) and inserting: "(d) "Program Committees" shall refer to the advisory committees established by Article III of the Advisory Committee Policy."
- (b) Striking Article IV, Paragraphs 4–7 and inserting:
- 4. Review of Application. Each application for grant funding submitted to the Program shall be reviewed by the members of the applicable Program Committees, who may, but are not required, to provide individual feedback regarding the application to the President or to the person, group, or legal entity submitting it. The Treasurer shall review the application for financial feasibility, consistent with the due diligence review required by the Fiscal Control Policy, and submit a report determining the feasibility of the proposed grant to the President.
- 5. Review Criteria. In reviewing the application for grant funding, the President and the Program Committees shall consider the following factors as they relate to the purposes described in the application:
- (a) Fit with the mission and strategic priorities of Wikimedia District of Columbia.
- (b) Potential for impact in the projects that the grant aims to support.
- (c) Availability and readiness of volunteers and other non-financial resources required to implement the grant.
- (d) Past track record of the recipient in managing grants.
- (e) Efficiency of proposed use of funds.
- (f) Sustainability of impact beyond the duration of the grant.
- 6. Additional Information. The President and/or the applicable Program Committees may, at their discretion, request additional information regarding any aspect of the application for grant funding which is unclear or unsatisfactory.
- 7. Decision. No later than fifteen (15) days after the submission of a complete application for grant funding, the President shall determine whether the requested grant funding should be issued, based on the feedback of the applicable Program Committees. This decision shall be communicated to the Treasurer, the applicable Program Committees, and to the person, group, or legal entity requesting the grant funding. In making his or her decision, the President shall consider, but shall not be bound by, the recommendation of the applicable Program Committees.