WikiSalons happen! They're a time for socializing and undirected editing.
Check out upcoming events for the next one.
- A few signs and placards
- Placards for the main lobby and the third floor lobby
- Signs for third floor lobby and hallways
- Still needed!
- Updates to wikipedia:Wikipedia:SALON
- Advertise parking
- Advertise which suite it is
- Ice for drinks
- Locker access?
- Storing items in pantry above microwave?
- Napkins
- Non-caffeinated drinks
- General accessibility for the deaf
- Etherpad URL?
- IRC channel
- Set up #wikimedia-dc as a standing channel?
- Laptops for editors?
- Box of tissues
- General box for storage of WikiSalon items
- Clorox wipes for the table
- Blog about events!