Wikimedia DC's tax ID number, or EIN, is 45-2106571.
The corporation's official name is Wiki Society of Washington, DC Inc.
It was founded in 2011. It is and has been a 501(c)(3) organization since about 2014. For the latest data from the IRS on our tax-deductible status, visit https://apps.irs.gov/app/eos/ and enter our EIN above.
Donations to Wikimedia DC are federally tax deductible according to this IRS Letter 947 and earlier IRS letters to us. To see the earlier letters, visit IRS.gov and click "Charities" then enter our EIN above.
Our 2013 bylaws are here.
The board made small changes to the bylaws in 2015, with membership approval, and will propose small changes for to the membership in 2024. will consider new small ones in 2022. Any changes go into effect only if the membership approves by ballot.