Robert Fernandez

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Robert Fernandez joined the board of Wikimedia District of Columbia in December 2015. He has edited Wikipedia since February 2004 and has been an administrator there since November 2004. He is a former editor-in-chief of the Wikipedia Signpost, a lead organizer of WikiConference North America 2016, and a former employee of the Wiki Education Foundation. He is a founding member of the user groups Wikipedia Library User Group and WikiConference North America. He has presented on Wikipedia-related topics at numerous conferences, including the Florida Library Association, the LD4 Conference on Linked Data in Libraries, the Society of Florida Archivists, WikiCite, WikiConference North America, WikidataCon, and Wikimania. He is an academic librarian and college faculty member and his research focuses on Wikipedia and information literacy. He currently serves on the Board of Trustees of the Prince George's County Memorial Library System.


Five ways academics can contribute to Wikipedia
Wikimedia Foundation blog, November 13, 2018

Wikipedia is better equipped to deal with systemic bias than traditional publishers
Wikimedia Foundation blog, August 7, 2015